Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Senior Trip (In Florida, Fine Arts)
Pictures From My Senior Trip (Going To Florida)
Me and mom, mom goofing off!
Katie and Mrs. Flory in Pittsburgh
In Atlanta airport, Katie posing with a stuffed...something or other!
Mrs. Flory showing off her wild side in Georgia.
Well, I'm going to be posting more pictures, so look for them! Next in the series, arriving and the Fine Arts Production. (aka, the play, Pirates of Penzance)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
New Blog
I know I haven't written for a while, but I have been trying to get up a new blog for teens and others as well. So, whoever wrote anonymously, I have been writing, just not here. Anyway, go check out my new blog. It's www.bethanysbibleblog.blogspot.com Hope to see you were there! Leave your comments and ideas, I would appreciate the input.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
So Much Has Changed
Ever since I was small, I have wanted be a nurse, I have made plans for pursuing that, I have planned on going to college, I picked the college, all of it has been me. I told everyone I was going down to Pensacola Christian College to study Nursing, but ever since then, I've been having doubts. I kept praying and asking God to show me if that really was His will, but it just felt like my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling. There had been some things between us, but one night at camp, I got rid of those things, or purposed to get rid of them, and then I asked again.
And this time I got through and then and there, I found God's will. He came through loud and clear, and I knew what I wasn't supposed to do.
A lot of people have asked me, "So now what are you going to do?" I have to tell them I don't know yet, as for now, I am content knowing what I'm NOT supposed to do.
It's not that I am afraid of change, or of going to a college far away from everything I love, or that I'll be giving four years of my life to something, I'm not afraid of anything. Anything but getting out of God's will. Even after I told some people about my decision, they told me that I should go, just go. But the book of Ruth in the Bible kept coming to my mind. How Elimelech and Naomi took their two boys down to Moab, out of God's will. There, both Naomi's husband and her sons died in a strange land. What would have happened to me if I go down to Florida, against His will? It may not be death, but who knows. I'm not taking the chance.
It's not that I'll never, ever be going to college, it's just that right now I don't feel it's God's will. So until He gives me the Go-ahead, I'll just stay where I am.
I may have disappointed some people, and I may have shocked some, but let it be known that I am not here to cater to any one's will or what THEY want me to do.
Right after I had gotten saved, I told my parents that I thought the Lord might use me to be a preacher's wife. But I had gotten so caught up in doing my own thing, that I lost sight of that. And recently, I have been praying more and more about that. We were at a camp meeting and a preacher asked how many of us girls thought that we might someday be used of God as preacher's wives, and I stood up. I don't know for sure, but if I am to be used of God that way, I want to be ready.
Please, all of you who read this, please pray that I would have God's hand upon me.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Finally writing again!

Friday, March 23, 2007
Back again

Hello, sorry I haven't written in a while. Things have been a bit busy here.
In February, our family, minus my dad, went on a week trip to Chicago for our cousin's wedding. At the left is The Cloud Gate, but most affectionately call it "The Bean" as it resembles a kidney bean. We had a lot of fun sightseeing, meeting my other two aunts, and just hanging out with friends there. It was a very relaxing week, but I was glad to get home because I got sick on the airplane home.
Now, in March, we are getting ready for Scott's graduation with his best friend Joe. It's just around the corner, and it's still hard to believe these guys are old enough to graduate!! And it's even more scary to think that next year I will be graduating!
This week has been a little hard for me because of the death of one of my friends. His name was Bobby Short, he died on the 20th of a heart attack, he was 44. I always remember him coming to our church every now and then, and he would always say Hi. When he talked, it wasn't always easy to understand him, he had Downs Syndrome, but he was always smiling. We went skating for Abraham's birthday, and he got out there on the floor in his sneakers and was walking around with his arms out like he was flying. Now, he's with Jesus. But we're gonna miss him. "See you soon, Bobby."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The picture

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Yahoo! 360° - My Page - Share Y! Photos
Hey guys, you all can go here and view the pictures. I think you'll find some of them are from skating and sledding. Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Let Me
Every day of every year.
Show Your Will to me,
Let me shed for others all my tears.
Let me show Your love
To others all around.
Let me be the mirror
That reflects the love I've found.
Let me stand for You
Wherever I stay.
Let me find grace
In Your eyes. O Lord, I pray.
Let me pray to You,
Every day, every week,
Let me see Your face,
For that is what I truly seek.
Let me praise You
From now until the end.
Let me thank You,
My Saviour and friend.
Let me fly with You
On that great rapture day,
With all the saints
Forever in Heaven I'll stay.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My Sister
I can run to you, my sister, I'll be fine.
When argument from the past still echo loud,
Then I'll cry on your shoulder and clear my mind.
You are my sister, the only one I have,
There'll never be another, none quite like you.
On my burning wounds, you are my soothing salve.
You can make me laugh like no one else can do.
We can sit and talk together all day long,
And stay up 'til the wee hours of the night.
If we stay together, nothing can go wrong,
There's no contention on who's wrong or who's right.
My sister, for everything you say and do,
My friend, with all my heart, I am thanking you.
( to my sister, Teresa)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Dances to some silent music.
No pounding beat or tune,
No rhythm or rhyme,
Just - silence.
The shadow dances on the wall,
Dances to some silent music.
No words to sing or remember,
No right steps or wrong,
Just - silence.
Light dances in your eye,
Dances with some silent mirth.
No boundaries to restrict or hinder,
No sad or solemn time,
Just - silence.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Patience Is A Virtue (I think)
I guess God gives a mother special abilities to multi-task all day long, because, my pastor's wife was there most of the time, and it was still a handful keeping them in line. Do you how many games of Skip-Bo it takes to be sick of cards for a while? Or how many piggy-back rides for your back to start screaming for a rest? Or how many fights to be broken up until your throat cries for a drink of water?
Over all, I think it went well, and the kids weren't all THAT bad, but I was glad to get into my own bed and sleeping soundly. No one woke me up in the middle of the night, no one wanted a "dink" of juice, no one fighting over who did what. Just...silence.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Road (After The Yellow Lines)
Let's take a detour, take a back road.
Let's take the road, winding around the hills,
Past the trees where the songbird sweetly trills.
Let's follow the road, past all the traffic signs,
Let's ride the road after the yellow lines.
Let's take a joy-ride on the old road,
Forget the fast pace on the high road.
Take a look at the scenes going past us,
No one on our back, waiting to pass us.
Let's follow the road beyond the phone lines,
Let's take the road after the yellow lines.
Let's ride past all the houses and barns,
Take a closer look at all the rural charms.
The cornfields rush to meet us, void of crop,
See the trees, silos peeking over top.
Let's follow the road, follow the tree lines,
Let's cruise the road after the yellow lines.
The road that's less traveled, with more to see,
The road paved with gravel, that's the road for me.
Slow it down, and take in all the beauty,
Although it's longer, it's worth it to me.
You can have your city streets with all the lines,
I'll take the road that's after the yellow lines.